Anvil Hammer Hands

Artificer 6 - Fighter (Bodyguard) 2
Accompanied by Embattle his "Packmate" homunculus & Guardian his shield "Weapon familiar".

In the year 994 Y.K. the Warforged to be known as Anvil Hammer Hands was brought into being, to the sounds of the creation forged , the ringing of hammers and the whirl of infused magic. The sounds of the Last War drums beat their last with the signing of the Thronehold treaty.

Anvil was one of the last of a unit destined to become a spellcarved solider, however with the ink still wet upon the treaty the units training was left incomplete, Anvil had been trained with the basic combat skills and had advanced into artificer training as his forging had imprinted upon him a great intelligence. His master had chosen him to become the prime repair expert for his unit.

Time passed and Anvil was left in his masters workshop awaiting fresh orders, he keep himself busy following his daily rountine as it had been for many months before hand. Every metal surface gleamed with fresh daily polish, no part of the workshop had a single spot of dust or grime.

At last the raw materials Anvil had been using to sculpt and to create armour with ran out and without a master to tell him what to do he stood confused for almost three full days.

On the eve of the third day, Anvil broke with his rountine and opened the door that lead to the world beyond the workshop.
He found that all this time he had been in the a great city within the depths of the Cogs and an area known as the Blackbones. .....

Guardian is Anvil's weapon familiar, and also his primary weapon. It is particularly special as it has been crafted with a switch on the reverse that allows the spikes on the face to retract and blades to emerge from the rim, thus allowing the weilder to change from bludgeoning/piercing damage to slashing damage at the flick of a switch.

Favoured Battle Tacics
At range from the enemy Anvil favours infusing his shield with arrow catching magic and advising the group to gather around him so that he is the only one that can be targeted, given his natural defenses of Adamantine he can normally avoid taking any damage whilst he and the party close on the enemy or force the enemy to close with them, as Kapek and the other unleash devastating missile fire.

In close combat Anvil likes to be by Katerina to provide as much defence as possible and then move so that he is in front of Kapek so that Kapek can use the extra reach from his weapon and be covered by Anvil's armour and cover.
Although Anvil does not have any need for clothes or normal fashion, he does spend a great deal of his time (mostly when the party sleeps) polishing and cleaning so that his Adamantine plating and all the other metal parts of his form gleam, he also applies natural wood oils to his living woods areas to keep them also in perfect condition.

Anvil has been known to wear a heavy deep purple cloak if he feels that trying to remain hidden in public areas of Sharn would be of advantage to himself and the group.