
CHAPTER 3 - The Southern Sun

16th Nymm. 998Y.K.

7.30 a.m.
The Crimson Fist spend a day selling off their accumulated loot, replenishing their supplies and purchasing new gear (and new magic toys).
On the morrow they head to the Deathsgate Guild to recruit new members to replace Katerina and Anvil. The Guild have gathered suitable candidates and after checking the records the Crimson Fist select three suitable candidates. They are:
  • Sparky- a male human cleric who declares himself a worshipper of the Storm (and gives everyone a mild electric shocks when they shake hands)
  • Oz- a very quiet male, elf scout.
  • Mirra Montmorency Dallian- a female Gnome Bard and reporter for the Korranberg Chronicle (who seems to want to know everything about everyone and makes copious notes).
Happy with their new comrades the group head down to the docks to catch their ship, 'The Southern Sun'. The captain of the ship, a no-nonsense Orc, introduces himself as Nosecrusher. He seems wary of Mirra's questions and even more so of the self-confessed worshipper of Storms but is obviously being paid enough to bury such concerns. The group are given a quick tour of the ship and then shown to their cabins.

10.25 a.m.
Wasting no time the ship pulls out of port and the group say goodbye to Sharn. A goodbye made easier by the fact the city is once again experiencing a rainstorm.

As the tide turns the “Southern Sun” is untethered from the dock and the hull groans as the vessel begins to slowly move out into the dark and unseasonably swollen waters of the Hilt, accompanied by the cackle of gulls as numerous fishing boats return from their nights work on the Thunder Sea..
Within an hour the ship is clear of the dark cloud that shrouds Sharn and the open ocean lies ahead. You can not help but have your thoughts drift to comrades you have left behind in the dark miasma that surrounds the city that has seen so much misery of late.
But for now the vast blue desert of water lies before you now, and the anticipation and thrill of new adventure fills your hearts with a strange mix of wonder, excitement and concern. Will you ever see Sharn, or indeed Khorvaire, again, or is this goodbye to the land you call home.

The days pass quietly on board. The Crimson Fists get used to the rhythms of ship life and settle a new pattern of watches to make use of their new comrades.

*Ajax comments
Ajax also takes the opportunity to tell tales of his glorious adventures to Mirra.

19th Nymm, 998Y.K.

9.30 p.m.
On day four of the journey Sparky and Lorric are on the Wheel deck, Kapek and Mirra on the main deck and Oz and Ajax are asleep beneath decks. Just as the sun sets the wind begins to pick up. 

As the sun sinks over the western horizon on a calm sea, strong south-easterly winds begin to gather and heavy clouds begin to blot out the light from the moons overhead. White swell caps the growing waves and the ship begins to fill with shouts as the sails are brought in, in preparation for the coming storm. One of the sailors casts you a wide grin, “They don’t call it the Thunder Sea for nothing.”
A flash from the skies above is closely followed by a crash of thunder that resonates through your chest with a thump.
The helmsman takes a firm hold of the wheel and with grim determination sets his eyes to the south.

To Sparky's delight a storm breaks over the ship. It is sharp-eyed Lorric who spots the tiny hands and tentacles reaching over the ships side.
Lorric's yell raises the alarm and as the alarm bell rings out the group prepare for battle, apart from Ajax who remains resolutely asleep. At least until Oz empties a jug of water over him.
More of the tentacled aberrations pull themselves over the side, revealing themselves to be all too familiar to the members of the Crimson Fist who explored the Lighthouse at Bluescar. Sparky and Lorric engage the creatures pulling themselves onto the wheel deck. Mirra flees to the stairs that leads to the under decks and Kapek, who chooses to stand and fight, rapidly finds himself outnumbered and surrounded. As the hordes of the creatures pour onto the deck the minotaur helmsman suddenly begins to shudder in a most unnatural manner two tentacles burst from his back and a black oil covers his eyes as his form begins to blur. He turns and dives below decks pursued by Sparky. Mirra begins to intone tales of glory and the group feel new courage and inspiration fill them.
Oz and Ajax reach the top of the stairs that lead onto the deck and a sorely wounded Kapek falls back to join them and they form up with Ajax and Kapek in the front line filling the stairs and Mirra and Oz behind them. Out to sea a strange blue light forms beneath the waves, which no-one feels bodes well.
As both sides rip into each other the boat lurches violently as something smashes into it. The Crimson Fist nimbly keep their feet but their opponents are not so dexterous and most fall to the deck and the Crimson Fist take advantage of this temporary advantage to lay into them. A huge tentacle briefly appears over the side of the ship and the ship bumps again as something huge takes firm hold of the ship.
Below decks Sparky catches up with the minotaur fighting his own crew, mustering the divine power of the Storm Sparky casts 'Dispel Magic' on the creature hoping to free him of whatever foul magic possessed him. The Minotaur's form ceases to blur but his eyes remain covered in the black oil and he continues to fight against his old crew. Before Sparky can do anything else he is attacked from behind and is engaged in a fight to the death with one of the aberrations.
Lorric continues to tumble around the deck, engaging the enemy at will. At the stairs Ajax and Kapek desperately hold the line, helped by spells from Mirra and arrow fire from Oz.
The Crimson Fists are hard pressed on all sides and though dozens of the enemy litter the deck they are still hanging-on by the most slender of threads. Inevitably their luck fails, Lorric is caught by a blow and slumps to the deck only the amulet gifted him by Anvil stopping him from bleeding out on the spot. Ajax breaks from the stairs, diving between numerous enemies to reach Lorric and then discharges all the magic from his Healing Belt into Lorric bringing him back to his feet. Sadly left on his own Kapek also falls to the enemies blows. The aberrations pour forward and Oz suddenly finds himself on the front line. This is not the kind of fight he is used to and he is struck down by the attackers. Before anybody else can die Lorric and Ajax rejoin the fight. Lorric chops down the last of the spell casting aberrations while Ajax rushes over to Kapek and pours a potion of 'Cure Moderate Wounds' down his throat. Kapek rises and with his comrades finishes off the last of their enemies.

As the Crimson Fists catch their breath they discover that Oz still lives! Though he hangs on the ragged edge of death. Still with Sparkys help Oz and the other members of the group are soon brought to full health. Then one of the crew yells Sahuaghin are coming !
Suddenly the ship lurches again, leaning over at an angle of 45 degrees. The group are gripped by a strange sensation, as if they're lungs were filling with water but they doggedly prepare to repel boarders. Sahuagin climb onto the deck with weapons ready and are immediately engaged by the Crimson Fist.
The strange drowning feeling increases and all the Crimson Fist are forced to hold their breath, apart from Oz who starts to drown, as strange decayed figures pull themselves onto the ship. Mirra's inspiring tales end with a gurgle of water and Sparky finds he can't speak to cast his spells.
The Drowned (as the undead are known) and the Sahuagin close in on the group, while the rest fight Sparky uses his medical skills to try to prevent Oz from drowning. At the rear of the enemy, two of the Sahuagin target Lorric and Kapek with spells but they both resist. In desperation Mirra drags Oz deeper into the ship when over thirty feet away from the Drowned Oz suddenly vomits water as his lungs clear.
Kapek's faithfull velociraptor 'Reaver' is driven into a berserk rage by the water filling its lungs. In a blind fury it flees through the Sahuagin, taking its master with it, eventually fleeing outside the drowning effect. Sparky isn't so fortunate, succumbing to the effects of lack of oxygen and passing out.
Lorric leaps onto the rapidly drowning Sparky and drags him outside of the drowning effect. Then he quickly pours a healing potion down his throat. This does however leave Ajax facing six of the enemy on his own.

*Ajax comments
And he didn't think it too many.

Kapek seizes control of Reaver and, to Ajax's relief, charges Reaver into the enemies rear.
Sparky staggers to his feet and heals himself. Lorric charges back into the battle and finishes off the last of the Drowned and suddenly everybody can breathe again. The last few Sahuagin are easily dispatched now the Crimson Fists can breathe again, indeed they are even able to take one of the Sahuagin alive.
On the starboard side of the ship a huge eye rises from the water and is instantly hit by a red rock, boomerangs, a lightning charged javelin, two arrows, a flask of Alchemist fire and a Fireball.
Reaver is gripped by a strange impulse and turns to leap overboard to attack the creature but Kapek literally wrestle his protesting mount to the ground. Two massive tentacles slam into Ajax and Sparky before grabbing a tight hold of them. Lorric, Oz, Kapek and Reaver are also grabbed by tentacles.
Lorric chops the tentacle grabbing him in two, Oz deploys a cunning knee blade, striking the tentacle in a nerve cluster and it releases him in pain and shock. Ajax slices himself free with his claws and then severs the tentacles holding Kapek and Reaver but Sparky is hoisted high in the air by his tentacle.
The mysterious blue light that had been seen earlier flows under the ship and appears by the Kraken as does the silhouette of a Sahuagin priestess that leapt overboard. The Kraken begins to sink into the water. With lightning speed Lorric leaps up the mast, grabs a piece of the rigging and swings across severing the tenatacle holding Sparky, who plummets painfully to the deck. But the Kraken and the Sahuagin have fled, the battle is over.

The Crimson Fist strip the fallen foes of their magical gear and Sparky and Mirra identify it. They then split it, taking half for themselves and giving half to the crew of the ship, some for their defence and some to be sold to provide money for the families of the dead.
The storm lasts a further 26 hours but with hard work, and inspired by Mirra's bardic talents, the crew patch the ship together. Sadly in all the hustle and bustle the Sahuagin is tied up and forgotten and when the Crimson Fist get back to him, it has died like any fish will when out of water too long.
Still not one to waste an opportunity Sparky casts 'Speak with Dead' on the Sahuagin's body. They learn:

  • The attack was aimed at the Crimson Fist.
  • The attack was ordered by HOLASHNER.
  • The Sahuagin knew of the ships location because of their agents on board.
  • These agents were the ECHTHA.

Between them the group believe the Echtha is a name from Aquan for creatures possessed by the Kraken.
The ship limps towards the village of Solport on the island of Fallam. The nearest port.